3D Scalp Micropigmentation
Scalp Micropigmentation can fill in the areas of the scalp that was missed or rejected by the transplant. The addition of extra pigment among existing or regrown hair enhances the procedure giving the illusion of a fuller head of hair and a more youthful appearance.
Scalp Micropigmentation procedure for alopecia can change the course of men and women’s lives. Scalp Micropigmentation does not cure alopecia but instead is an effective way to camouflage its symptoms.
Balding Scalp MicroPigmentation technique is a solution for hair loss for bald men. Tiny deposits of pigment are positioned into the dermal layer of skin to replicate the look of real shaven hair or buzz-cut instead of a partially bald or baldhead.
Scalp Micropigmentation is an ideal solution to dramatically increase not only your hair’s perceived density, but also your overall level of confidence. If you don’t want to go for the closely shaved look, Scalp Micropigmentation increases fullness to your existing head of hair.